Sample Questions
Disclaimer: No one is allowed to access the records of other people. You can only get information about other people in relation to how they affect you and your life.
Am I on the correct spiritual path? If so, how can I enhance it? If not, how do I get onto the path?
What do I need to do to attract abundance, energetically and physically?
Do I have a life purpose? If so, what is it and how do I achieve it?
What behaviors and beliefs do I have that are self-limiting? How do I release them?
Have I made past life contracts that are impacting me in this life? If so, what are they and how can I clear them?
How can I connect and communicate with my spiritual guides? Do I have more than one?
What do I need to know and understand about myself in order to accept and love myself completely?
Is there a belief system or set of ideals that no longer serves me which stops me from living a happy life?
Why am I afraid of who I will become if I let go?
What is the root of my greatest fear or challenge at this time? How can I resolve it? What lessons can I learn from it?
What is my underlying issue with (mother, boss, husband, etc.)?
Are there any blockages or energy that I need to clear related to this issue?
Is there something I'm not seeing? What is limiting my view of this subject?
Am I holding an expectation of what I think the truth should be in this area or subject? If so, what is it?
Is fear blocking me from going deeper into this area or subject? If so, how can I clear it?
Who said I couldn't go into this area in my life? Why? What can I do about it?
Is denial playing a role? If so, how do I move through it?
How can I handle this issue, problem or need with greater ease and grace?
Is there anything disguised, unknown or suppressed that I may know now or that keeps me from knowing what I need to know?
Is my ego, mind or emotions blocking me from clearly understanding this information?
What blocks do I have that are preventing me from flourishing?
How can I grow my business?
What line of work would enhance my life?
I have issues with (insert person). What is the best way to resolve these issues?
Why haven't I met my true love yet?
How can I control my emotions?
What is my mission in life? Why am I here?
Where do I come from? Have I had lives on other planets?
How do I unlock financial wealth? Are there any poverty contracts I can cancel or break?
Are there any contracts, agreements, or beliefs prohibiting me from.... (pick one from the following per question)
Financial wealth, allowing myself to be seen and known by the world, being playful, having fun, finding my true love, living life, taking care of myself, loving myself, fulfilling my mission, using my psychic abilities, trusting others, trusting myself, trusting God (and more).
What would life look like if I took this new job?
What would life look like if I decide to have a baby?
Is there another question that I should be asking or another way for me to ask it?
What is my limiting view on this subject?
Am I being influenced by something outside myself that affects how I see or relate to this subject?
Do I hold a mental view of this subject or situation that does not serve me?
Is there anything disguised, unknown or suppressed that I may know now or that keeps me from knowing what I need to know?
What talents did I come into this life with that I might need to use to further my growth, business or relationship?
Why am I afraid of who I will become when I let go?
What is my greatest challenge or fear at this time? What is the root of it? What resources do I have to help me resolve it? What lessons can I learn from it?
What do I need to see or understand to help myself become the best parent-version of myself?
Are there any repeating patterns or behaviors I need to address?
Are there any experiences that I am repeated that I am unaware of and are preventing me from moving forward? If so, what? What do I need to learn from this so I can move on?
What is holding me back from accessing my full potential? How do I heal or address it?
How do I build my confidence?
How do I trust myself? How do I build self-trust?
Do I really desire to feel _____ or is there another way of looking at this feeling that I am unaware of?
Why do I struggle to execute my own ideas to their fullest potential? What blocks are preventing me from taking my ideas through to fruition?
What do I need to see, understand, know, release, accept or transmute in order to be at peace around ______?
How do I take care of myself in a relationship? As a parent? What does that look like?
Where does my fear of _____ come from? How do I heal or release it?
Why can't I maintain a daily routine? How do I fix it?